BA2 Stuff!

First of all, it will be helpful to graders if you LABEL THE SECTIONS OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT (i.e. label your summary “Summary;” label your paraphrase “Paraphrase;” and label your Works Cited “Works Cited”).

Second, your graders determine your assignment scores according to the Critical Thinking Rubric (it’s available on your RaiderWriter). Not every element appears in every assignment, and the elements might not make sense to you until they are applied to a specific piece of your work. To help you understand how the rubric applies to each assignment, I’ll be posting the relevant rubric elements for each brief assignment. Sooooo, here are some things the graders are looking for in BA2:

Issue Identification and Focus
Author, text, and particular passage (if applicable) should be clearly identified at the beginning of both the summary and the paraphrase.

Context and Assumptions
Summary and paraphrase should show an awareness of the context in which the original piece was written.

Sources and Evidence
Writer’s references to the source material should be both specific and accurate. Both this and the previous criteria should demonstrate the writer’s understanding of the text being summarized and paraphrased.

The tone overall should be professional, with attention paid to the organization of the assignment, grammar, mechanics, etc. The student should not be inserting opinions or offering judgment as to the content of the summarized or paraphrased text.

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